Written By Anu Gupta

Roxanne Dault will keynote the Breaking Bias Summit

When we selected our Breaking Bias Summit keynote speakers -- dynamic women who inspire and motivate my own professional practice -- I was so thrilled to be able to provide an opportunity to learn from such amazing teachers.

We are thrilled that Indigenous meditation teacher and somatic experiencing expert Roxanne Dault will keynote on the intersection of lovingkindness and mindfulness, and the role that this powerful combination plays in breaking bias.

As a student of Sharon Salzberg, and an accomplished teacher in her own right, Roxanne is the perfect person to lead us through such a powerful and pivotal topic. I cannot wait to be in community with all of you as we learn from her together.

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Lovingkindness provides us the tools for justice in action

Roxanne's history with BE MORE with Anu is long -- she was a student in our inaugural Breaking Racial Bias course, which has since grown into what you know today as our Certification in Breaking Racial Bias program. 

Even then, it was an honor to teach Roxanne, as over the years I've known her it's become so clear to me that she truly embodies the work of mindfulness and lovingkindness. I admire the ways that she threads her intersectional identity into her practice, honoring both her European and indigenous heritage through her work.

As you know, the theme of our summit is Applying Mindfulness to Dismantle Systemic Racism. In order to achieve this vision, we must have strong roots in our own mindfulness practices. I'm so grateful to Roxanne for stepping up to lead us in this important work, and I know that she has so much to teach all of us!

If you haven't already, I hope you'll consider registering for our Summit today. If you have... well, first, thank you. I know you know that this work will take all of us working together if we're to end racism in our lifetimes. Along those lines, I hope you'll consider sharing the registration link with a friend -- perhaps one that will walk this path together with you.

Either way, I'm thrilled to bring you the opportunity to learn from Roxanne this week!