Written By Anu Gupta

Introducing our Breaking Bias Summit

If you follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter, you’ve likely heard by now: in November, BE MORE with Anu is hosting our inaugural Breaking Bias Summit! 

Join us November 3 & 4 for Breaking Bias Summit: Applying Mindfulness to Dismantle Systemic Racism!

We’ll be sharing lots more over the coming weeks and months about the lineup, our speakers, and all the juicy details. 

To begin, though, I wanted to take a moment to start with the most important piece: why is now the time for a Breaking Bias Summit?

Why a Breaking Bias Summit?

Well, to be candid, there are really two answers. The first, and perhaps the most obvious, is that our students, event attendees, and clients have been asking for one for years. We’ve presented to over 50,000 professions, and the number one takeaway we receive is that folks want more time to go deeper into these ideas.

I’m grateful and honored that the response to our programs has been a request for more time with their ideas. Our team has sat with these requests, thinking through the right way to honor them with the space and care they deserved. At the same time, since January 6, I have felt what is known as samvega or spiritual urgency to bring this work to a broader audience. Toward the beginning of this year, I began to understand that this spiritual urgency would eventually find its home in a gathering – allowing us to stay true, as ever, to our guiding mission of building a Beloved Community

And so, this is the second answer: that now is the time for a Breaking Bias Summit because we were ultimately able to understand how we could shape an event that answered my spiritual urgency by meeting and addressing the outward chaos of the world. This is also, of course, the even more important answer. Teaching our students to meet chaos with calm, and to skillfully and confidently tackle bias head-on, is the core of what we do. It is a happy bonus that, in doing so, we’re able to finally give an enthusiastic YES to what so many members of our community have asked for all this time.

And so, many months after we spoke the idea out loud for the first time, the time finally felt right, and the Breaking Bias Summit has taken shape in the world. The Summit will bring professionals from all walks of life together to learn, be inspired, and experience the various ways mindfulness is being applied in different sectors to bring about change!

How can I be a part of the Summit?

Registration is currently open – and if you act soon, you can snag early bird pricing between now and September 1! You can register yourself or any members of your team to attend. (Reach out to our team for bulk registration assistance.) We’d love to see you there!

You can also reach out to us if you’d be interested in your organization sponsoring the Summit. Sponsors are truly the lifeblood of the event – we couldn’t make this important work happen without them.

However you engage with the Summit, know that we are thrilled to welcome you exactly as you are. Whatever you think you already know, or still need to learn, we’re confident that you belong in our Beloved Community exactly as you are. Welcome – we can’t wait to meet you 🧡