Written By Anu Gupta

Unveiling Focus for Health: Advocates for Health Equity.

As we continue to share more about our upcoming Breaking Bias Summit, we’re endlessly grateful to also be introducing, spotlighting, and thanking the sponsoring organizations that made it happen. Without sponsors, we could not bring together a community of practitioners, activists, and scholars focused on the intersection of mindfulness and antiracism work.

How BE MORE views partnerships

To understand a little more about how BE MORE views partnerships in the first place, let’s first dig in a bit to the history of BE MORE. Did you know that BE MORE with Anu is a certified Benefit Corporation? It’s true! In short, this means that we believe organizations and businesses have the power to build communities, propel social change, and, ultimately, impact the world. We also believe that by partnering with other like-minded organizations, like our sponsors, we can accomplish much more together than we could by ourselves. It’s an honor to share space with these organizations. We hope that as you learn more about them, you’re inspired, in turn, by the diversity and variety of ways to make an impact!

What is a Platinum Sponsor?

A Platinum Sponsor makes a financial commitment to support the Breaking Bias Summit. They’ve determined that their mission is aligned with the work of supporting DEIB and antiracism work, and have made a commitment to help us make it happen. We’re both proud and honored to have the support of so many wonderful organizations!


Meet Focus for Health

Focus for Health addresses the structures within our society that create and perpetuate health inequality. Barry Segal, their founder, ran a profitable roofing materials company that treated employees as equitable partners in the process for 40 years. Following this venture, Barry decided to deploy his influence and wealth to create social change.  

Barry founded Focus for Health because of his desire and ability to elicit change to the underlying structures in the U.S. that perpetuate harm to future generations. Established originally with an emphasis on health disparities in children, Focus For Health expanded its attention to include social determinants of health which are the main drivers of health inequity in the U.S.

The Focus for Health Foundation has been supporting BE MORE with Anu since 2017. Believing in leading by example, before supporting our work, they invited us to train their entire leadership team, staff, and a New Jersey based grantees to participate in our pre-pandemic in-person program, Hacking Racial Bias. Since the launch of Breaking Racial Bias, our flagship course, they’ve provided full scholarships to five leaders from health-aligned, mission-based organizations who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to participate in the course. 

Students from organizations like People not Things, Hello Baby, OneChild, Jewish Sacred Spaces, and Beyond Celiac have been able to participate in Breaking Racial Bias directly because of Focus for Health’s generosity. What a beautiful example of the ripple effect philanthropy can have!

To learn more about Focus for Health, you can visit their website, view their featured content (including a statement from Barry about the need for philanthropy to take a bold, antiracist stance!), or read their blog

Thank you, Focus for Health, for being a shining model of the social impact a health-based foundation can make! We’re grateful for your support.

Want to learn more about sponsoring the Breaking Bias Summit? Reach out to our team!