The BE MORE blog

Online DEI Training Get Results

Written by Anu Gupta | Dec 20, 2022 2:00:00 PM

As I think back on a wonderful year of continually pressing forward and moving the needle on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging work, I'm thinking about how powerful a tool it is to have online DEI trainings in our toolbelts to foster organizational change. 

I'm excited to share more in early 2023 about where BE MORE's product roadmap will take us as we truly embrace online DEI training as the way of the future, making organization-wide behavior change possible and accessible for every organization as we work to decrease and mitigate workplace DEIB challenges.

I want to share with you a case study on Janssen Pharmaceuticals, who contacted us in early 2022 with a unique charge: because they are a large parent company, with many subsidiaries geographically dispersed across the country (and internationally), they needed one DEIB provider who could not only provide the mindfulness-based, science-backed perspective that we bring to each client engagement... but who could also be operationally nimble in architecting and deploying this engagement across multiple subsidiaries, some of which needed multiple touchpoints throughout the year.

Online DEIB training lets us accomplish this, reaching organizationally complex teams with a consistent level of care and service even as the teams themselves may have different content or operational needs. We worked with three different Janssen subsidiaries this year, all of whom plan to re-engage us in the new year as team members are added to projects, or even to the organizations themselves.

"But does it work?" you might be asking yourself. "Do people actually enjoy this online training?"

Here is a quote from a senior executive partner who participated in a training on unconscious bias with us this year: "This is the best training I've seen on this topic. Ever."

(This leader is not alone in this view; our average approval rating, across programs, is 96%. We also see a positive behavior change of almost 11 points out of 100 between the pre and post surveys of Breaking Racial Bias, our flagship coaching program.)

If you lead a team who has wondered how you can accomplish this work in parallel with related organizations, reach out: our team is ready to craft a customized package of services for you that will allow you to meet your DEIB objectives and go beyond compliance in the new year.

In the meantime, I'm so grateful to all of our clients from 2022, and thrilled to see where the work we've done together this year takes us moving into 2023.

Get in touch to get on the books now for 2023!